Friday, August 22, 2008

Rolling Over

My little monkey rolled all the way over for the first time today. and mommy missed it :( lucky for me i have a great sitter who took action shots so mommy could at least see it,and had them printed off her computer when i got there! i am so blessed with his sitter, and her kids adore him and dote on him! i couldnt have gotten luckier. looking forward to the craft fair with rosemary tomorrow -other than that not much going on here

Monday, August 11, 2008

monday monday..

not much exciting going on. got to spend a girly day w\ stacy and the girls saturday (and baby lucas) they wore me out!!! from 10 am to 8 pm shopping. they loved on lucas so much i know he ate it up. he is almost 13 weeks now. getting the grasp of reaching for things but still not opening his hand but you can tell now he is trying to reach out and not just randomly batting about. We are going more and more to bottle only, that is a very tough decision. Breast feeding is such a sweet time when he looks up at me while he feeds and i know that only momma will do sometimes. mostly now it is more for pacifying him when he is upset or to get him to sleep. i still desperately wish i could find somethign to do from home to be with him but right now financially i cant.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Reaching Milestones and Making Decisions

At his last dr appt just before he turned ll weeks Lucas was 14 1/2 pds and 24 inches. that was painful watching him get 5 shots, i am sooo glad his daddy was there to help momma was a wreck. Today i put him in his walker (which he is to little for but daddy insisted i try him in it once in a while) and for the first time i saw him really try to reach for something. still with a closed fist but he kept digging at the honey pot with a clenched fist as if trying to draw it closer, with the cutest little look of concentration on his face. He is smiling alot more now and cooing as if he wants to talk. (say maaamaaaa) I am trying to make a very hard decision about work right now, i am looking into findng a couple kids to watch so i can stay home with him but i am so afraid to quit my job right now in this terrible economy. we cannot make it on jrs salary. but i am basically working for little more than to pay daycare and missing out on so much with my son. Please God make a way for it to happen!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Almost 10 weeks!

time is flying by, and while i am trying to take everyones advice and enjoy the here &now , i cant control how quickly it goes. no matter how much time i spend holding, loving, or staring at him he is still changing before my eyes! so i do the next best thing and try to preserve every moment in my head and in my scrapbooks! i want him to always know how much i love and treasure him. one thing is for sure I WILL MISS THIS! already the newborn look is gone and he is developing his little personality. he sleeps great at night (in my bed shhhh) he is a hungry little man, just really learning to smile on command, and sooooo snugggly . look at those cheeks who could resist? the dogs are pretty good they dont bother him, they just forget sometimes they cant run across him in the bed or jump on him when daddy is holding him. other than lucas there is nothing new. back to work, its ok rather be home with him but dont mind earning a living.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clorox Company Picnic

Saturday was JR's company picnic down in Tampa at Medard Park. Except for the fact that it stormed the whole time we had a great time (huddled under the shelter) Lucas, Jr, and i had funny caricatures made. Lucas slept almost the whole time so that means like mom and dad he sleeps well in a rainshower. jr and braiden brought their poles for a bit of fishing- no bites...I got a fake tattoo from the face painter, and who know maybe i will get a real one! We ate a ton of bbq, and snow cones, and to top it off we stopped at Starbucks on the way home and i had my favorite- a peppermint white mocha frap- yummm! Jr won a $100 gc for Outback where we went sunday w/ his mom and dad- it was soooo goood! I have been scrapping like a mad woman and almost have 2 albums full!! my pregnancy album, and lucas hospital album- yes i had enough from his 2 days at hospital to fill it up!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


my friend from work vicki is coming to visit after work, yipee!!! grownups!!! and she is bringing drinks! i better get to pumping so i can enjoy a few! lol. baby napping good today, usually during the day he is cranky and wants to be held, he is so wide awake all day because he sleeps good at night and i am not complaining! 2 weeks left till i go back to work. today i am trying to get ready for a yardsale this weekend (so i can spend more money on baby stuff lol) ha as i type he is getting fussy and crying in his swing. i spoke too soon. i am hoping to get him outside today to do some outdoor pics hopefully with he and i together as well as just him on a blankie in the shade. the dogs will appreciate some time outside i am sure! still a few thank you cards to get out and birth announcements, hard to believe little man will be 4 weeks old tomorrow!